Monday, November 3, 2008

Poisoned Apples and Pixie Dust

Halloween came so fast this year! As you can tell from my quality photos, I wasn't exactly able to get my girls in the same place at the same time or even at a full-length view for that matter. They were so hopped up on candy that I was lucky they weren't climbing the walls-that came later!

I'm not exactly sure what Eric is supposed to be...hmmmm...he looks hot though! He was dressed as Frankenstein earlier in the day, but we didn't get down to his work early enough to see that, dang it!

There's a guy Eric works with who carves AMAZING pumpkins each year and puts a few of them on display at their city office building. I'm an idiot and left my flash on so these blew out really weird, but can you see the carving? (Think Twilight).

These are so good, they would have been better if I'd turned my dumb flash off. There's a goblin, a witch, McCain, Obama, and Wyle E. Coyote. This is just a tiny bit of what he does each year. He probably had 30 pumpkins on display and even more at his home. Wow he's good.

Nana Ginger with the girls. We missed seeing Papa Ernie-he had to work that night-boo!
After traipsing all over town we landed back at our house with my family eating the annual "Dinner in a Pumpkin", apple cider, donuts, and of course some candy here and there. I love Halloween!


Darby said...

I love No White and Tinka bell!