Monday, November 3, 2008

Black Island Farms

The Saturday before Halloween I took the girls out to Black Island Farms in Syracuse. It is a huge farm/pumpkin patch and the girls absolutely love it. Erin met us out there and had a blast watching them run and play and go down the giant haystack slides over and over and over again.

We also took a hayride out to the actual pumpkin patch where the girls picked out their own pumpkins from the field. Haylie wasn't too picky, but Mikaela was not so easy to please. She didn't seem to like any pumpkin that had dirt on it (this will surprise no one if you know Mikeala at all-she's a bit of a clean freak-poor kid). Um, yeah...they're all covered in dirt. Erin finally convinced her that not all of them were bad and she actually chose a really nice one.

I love the fall and especially Halloween. I just wish I had a few more days to squeeze in everything I like to do during the season. I practically drag the girls from one party to the next-oh well, they aren't complaining (yet) and I'm loving every minute of the time we get to spend together so everyone's a winner. Thanks for coming with us Aunt Ewee-let's plan for next year!


Julie w said...

hey, I'd love to take the girls there next year with you too. Call me or let me know when so we can go together.