Monday, November 24, 2008

Gobble, Gobble!

Maybe it's just me, but 2008 has really flown by this year. I'm excited for Thanksgiving and all the yummy food though. This is definitely one of my favorite holidays simply because our only expectation is good food and lots of it. We cook all day long and then stuff ourselves silly in a matter of minutes. Sounds like a great time to me. Think about it, what other day do we really get as an excuse to imitate a Hoover vacuum?
I like the fact that Eric and I trade off on this holiday with each other's families. This year we go with mine; we're a big, boisterous, loud group with lots of kids and even more on the way, which roughly translates to Pandora's Box. We have to have our Thanksgiving in the church gymnasium in order to accomodate everyone. Normally, this is a good thing, unless you like to play basketball. Usually, someone has to stand guard at the banquet table and act as defense against the rouge basketball. Even then, it always seems to land in one or more of the casserole dishes. It's still a ton of fun. My favorite part is playing games afterwards. We're all a bit nuts, so it makes for some very entertaining moments.
Eric's family is a little more refined. His family is spread out more, so we don't always see everyone. The ones that do make it are always a lot of fun to be around and Eric and I can usually get a wicked card game going with his grandparents and a few cousins.
And although the turkey is the main event, I still can't have Thanksgiving until I've watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I can still remember watching as a kid every year with Mama Sue and Papa Jim. It's one of my very favorite childhood memories. Now I watch it with my little girls and I love it every bit as much as I did as a kid. Let the holidays begin. Happy Thanksgiving!