Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John Mayer is Yummy!

Disclaimer***I hijacked these pic's from my sister's blogs since I forgot my camera like an idiot! I'm still waiting to get copies from them so in the meantime I'm helping myself to the ones they've posted. It's totally fair though since I helped take quite a few of them!***

So, my awesome sister Erin got tickets for me and the rest of the sisters to the John Mayer concert. It was totally rockin! We missed the first performer, but got there in plenty of time to see Colbie Caillat. I must admit I've been pretty lukewarm about her, but she was very good in person and I was able to hear something new that hasn't been killed on the radio, so I'm slowly starting to find a new respect for her music.

John, oh John, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Wait, that would take too long. Let's just say he was in fine form and his voice was awesome. He played for nearly two hours straight and I still wasn't satisfied. I wouldn't have minded another hour at all. It was a great night, great company, and GREAT music. Thank you tons, Erin!


Darby said...

A good time with the sisters Cowles. Glad we could spend that magical night together! :)