Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Discovery, Build-A-Bear, Water!

A few weeks ago my friend Melanie and I took our kids down to the Gateway in Salt Lake for the day. We started at the Discovery Museum where the kids played for a good hour or so and then headed over to the Build-A-Bear store where Haylie and Mikaela were able to create their own bears. This was something they'd never done before and I was pretty impressed with the whole operation. Haylie chose a pink and white bear and then dressed it in a Sleeping Beauty dress complete with "glass slippers" and tiara. We chose the name "Sleeping Beary". Aptly named wouldn't you say? Mikaela couldn't have cared less what her bear looked like, so long as she got one. She was more excited about going through the motions of washing the bear, and choosing it's outfit. She helped pick out a cute little red and white number with these cute little "ruby slippers". I named it "Miss Priss" since that's kind of what Mikaela reminds me of right now. You get to fill out a birth certificate for the bears and everything. If you haven't tried it yet, you should check it out-fun for boys and girls!

After the bear adventure, we wandered down to the Olympic Plaza where the girls ran in and out of the water. It took some prompting to get Haylie and Olivia to try it out, but Mikaela had no problem running through the water. As always, it was a good time for everyone! Thanks for the great idea, Melanie!