Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Now I Remember Why I Like To Shop Alone

Don't get me wrong-when it comes to my two daughters there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them as long as it's in their best interests or best for my sanity. Case in point:

While visiting our neighborhood grocery store this evening with both kids in tow, I had no more than stepped inside when Mikaela (bless her little demon soul) decides to throw the big one since her favorite shopping carts have all been taken (you know the ones I'm talking about-those gigantic carts with the "sports car" attached to the helm which make them ultra inconvenient and prone to ramming anything and any child within a 10 foot radius).
There's screaming, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and a few death threats involved before we finally head off in search of food. Everyone in the store gives me the evil eye because, heaven forbid, a child should throw a temper tantrum that I apparently cannot control. Even those who were looking on sympathetically are no match for Mikaela's ferocious antics and thus, look for the nearest escape route. I can't say that I blame them. I was beginning to do the same!
And why is it the elderly old ladies think they need to hone in on these "extra special bonding moments"? I mean, I'm trying to threaten bodily harm and the maiming of extremities when these gals show up and want to wax nostalgic about how they remember going through this as well. One granny was bold enough to tell me, "Don't worry, honey, this too shall pass." Uh huh, yeah well, would you mind keepin' it moving on down the aisle so I can have a serious "smackdown" with the spawn of Hades masquerading as my child without catching crap for it? And just for the record, I would NEVER smack my public. :)
It's much more fun to keep them in anticipation. Kidding, people! Sheesh!
Thus ends another fun-filled day. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. Wait...


Andy and Robyn said...

Ok - sorry to laugh, but it's only because Hinkley did almost this EXACT same thing on Monday--except it was lay on the floor and kick and scream because SHE wanted to sit in the front of the cart and I had THE nerve to let Averee sit there first!!! :) Gotta love em!!

Unknown said...

Melissa - I so love you! I'll be laughing for days over this one! You are awesome! If it makes you feel better, when Walter threw a tantrum in Walmart I actually walked away and made the following comment to those nasty old ladies staring . . . "who's child is that? His mother needs to come and get him." It must have worked - I hear his next tatoo will say "Mom" in a heart.

Good luck! :0)

Darby said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I am laughing my fat face off right now!! Move along granny!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! I hate those carts!! They are the worst things ever! Sweet Mikaela is a piece of work! Love her!

Anonymous said...

Two words: HIGH MAINTENANCE! But we love them. This too shall pass!