Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mikaela Turns 3!

I cannot believe my little baby has turned three years old. I know everyone asks the same question, but I still can't figure out where the time has gone! When I woke Mikaela up the morning of her birthday I asked her what today was. She thought for a moment and then shouted, "It's my birthday!" Then without missing a beat the next words out of her mouth were, "Where's my blue cake?" Every time I've asked her what she wanted for her birthday, her only reply was, " cake." No presents, no dolls, just blue cake. This was the little cake I bought for her actual birthday. Cute huh?

That smile says it all! Blue cake-all is right with the world.

Opening her huge stack of gifts. This kid was spoiled rotten!

Here's the second blue cake. It a blue kitty with white polka dots.

We love our little "cricket" so much. She is such a sweet, funny little girl and she makes Eric and me laugh constantly with her antics. She is also such a good little sister to Haylie. I am so thankful they have each other and that, for the most part, they love to be together and watch out for each other. She is such a little show off, but it's mostly just to make people laugh. And there is no denying she is her Papa's girl. We love her so much and are so grateful that she is part of our eternal family. Happy birthday, Cricket!