Sunday, March 29, 2009

36 Years Ago...

Another year has come and gone and Eric is another year older. Here are some of the highlights of why I like to call him my hubby:

1. He's an awesome Daddy! His girls are top priority and he is a sucker for their little smiles. They get away with murder when he's around!
2. He's also a great husband. I'm very lucky to have such a good provider and caring man who takes his responsibilities seriously!
3. After he was born, the ducks and geese in Utah were put on the endangered species list (well, I might have made this one up, but you get the idea).
4. He's fun to tease!
5. He likes cruises (just like me) and so at least I know when we're old we'll have something in common!
6. He loves his family more than anything else.
7. He's got camping skills than put most mountain men to shame.
8. He makes a mean BBQ chicken.
9. He's an incredibly hard worker.
10. He's all mine.

Happy birthday, honey! I love you!


Darby said...

I don't think there are any birds left to shoot. Guess he'll have to move onto pedestrians or something else.