Monday, March 2, 2009

Bye Bye Binky!

I was beginning to think I'd have to have the silly thing surgically removed from Mikaela's mouth around the time she turned 10. She was practically borderline psychotic without the plug! But, after several (SEVERAL) failed attempts and thousands of not-so-thinly veiled threats (there goes my Mother of the Year award once again) I'm happy to announce that the binky has gone the way of the Dodo at our house! All I can say is, "It's about bloody time!"

I will admit that I didn't always do everything in my power to help speed the process along, in fact I probably hindered it more than I should have (hey, I value my sleep okay?) but it is nice not having to worry if we have the stupid thing "just in case" anymore. I'm just glad we went through the battle and all lived to tell about it! If I have another child I will have serious reservations about starting them on a binky. I don't know if I could do that again. Yikes!


The Fantastic Five said...

We went through the trauma with Megan and Tyler also. Once the binky is gone and the horrible crying is over we wondered why we didn't do it sooner also. Now we have Emily with her thumb still that cannot be thrown away! I will say that is about 10 times worse.