Monday, December 15, 2008

Batteries, People! Remember The Batteries!

Edward Herrmann

Today I attended the Utah Film Commission Luncheon. It's an annual luncheon by invitation only where members are treated to a nice lunch and annual updates on the film industry in Utah for the coming year. This year it was held at the Little America ballroom. I brought my sister Erin along for the fun.

Edward Herrmann was the guest speaker and he was awesome. In case you can't quite figure out where you've seen him, he was Grant Staton III in Overboard (Goldie Hawn's snobby husband). I loved the speech he gave and he was very gracious and quite a gentleman. Needless to say, I was impressed.

After the luncheon was over, I was able to meet him and talk with him for a few minutes. What a warm and kind man, he even took the time to call me by name and ask me about myself.

Now for craptastic part: I had my camera in my purse and he agreed to pose for a photo with me. Sadly, the batteries were dead and the person taking the picture couldn't get it to work. Guess who took the picture? None other than "Don" from Napoleon Dynamite ("Summer's" boyfriend in the flick). His real name is Trevor Snarr and he's quite the nice guy himself. So, here I was standing with a screen and theater legend and well, "Don" and I don't have anything to show for myself. Oh for the love of all that is holy! I was so ticked. Opportunity missed.

As soon as I got home, I marched straight to the freezer and pulled out two new batteries for my stupid camera. I've learned my lesson: Batteries-don't leave home with 'em.


the Maisey's said...

Wow!! I really need to get out!! I bet that was fun to see all those people in "real life"!