Friday, February 8, 2008

Cousins In The Tub!

Last Saturday Eric's sister and brother-in-law, Jodi and Jake, moved into their new home in West Point so I volunteered to watch my little neice Madison and nephew Gavin. The girls had a great time with their cousins playing all day and also getting into a little mischief. Halfway through the day, Gavin and Haylie decided to get in touch with their inner "Van Gough" and used Madi & Mikaela to display their masterpieces. All four of them ended up with colored marker (washable, thank goodness) all over their eyes, lips, cheeks, necks, backs and other assorted areas. Oy! Let's just say I will NOT be opening a daycare anytime during this lifetime. They looked awesome, but all of the pic's I took did not turn out. Instead, I ended up just snapping a few of them while they played in the bathtub together. It's the Three Beaut's (Cowles inside joke) in miniature form!
It was a fun day with puzzles, movies, pizza, watercolors, and much baby stroller pushing! My girls can't wait for them to come back again. I'll just make sure the markers are safely hidden next time.


Darby said...

Live and learn with the markers, yeah? Good thing they were washable. Cute pictures and good call on the no day care opening soon.