Thursday, February 28, 2008

Squaw Gettem Firewood!

Look out, people-I have been called to serve as my ward's Young Women's Camp Director! Yes, I know, and I join you in what you can only be thinking as "What the heck?"

Apparently, the Lord seems to feel that a knowledge of various campfire songs, dozens of camping trips to Yellowstone National Park and the Uintahs with my family and making a mean hobo dinner equals qualified camp director material. Yikes! From now until we embark I will be praying nightly that the Lord will watch over me and save everyone from the path of destruction which I am sure to carve.

I'm not quite sure how my name got suggested as I have been buried knee deep in ankle biters since we moved out here. I didn't think anyone outside of the pre-teen world even knew who I was, but according to our First Counselor in the Bishopric, the young women in our ward "really like" me. That's awesome-now which ones are the young women again? :)

I must say though, I am kind of excited for the opportunity to serve the young women again-even in the smallest degree. They are so much fun and I miss being involved in the program. I got to meet some of them a few weeks ago when the leaders asked me to teach the girls about makeup and hair for one of their combined activities. That was so much fun. We'll see how much they "like me" when they're hiking up the hills or learning how to fish. It's no fun to camp if you can't at least fish once! It's a good thing I love camping or we'd all be in trouble.


Darby said...

I only have one request...Go camping! Take them hiking, teach them to fish, get canoes. You can teach them how to tie flies and actually have camping skills. Girls camp is supposed to be fun, not sitting around making lame crafts that are just going to be chucked. Here's an idea, make the crafts and then have a bonfire! Yeah! When and where are you going?

Julie w said...

Take me for the fool but I never knew you liked to camp. Although I really didn't know J liked to camp as much as he did when I committed to being with him forever either. I'm a little naive at times. :) Hee, hee. I wish you all the luck and fun your young women can handle.

p.s. camp crafts are fun!