Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spooktacularly Thrilling!

Last Saturday was our annual trek to see Thriller. We went to Kingsbury Hall this year and it was definitely worth it! I LOVE this show. I decided to bring along little Haylie for the first time. I know she's only five, but I figured with me and Nana Sue and all her aunts there, she'd feel pretty safe if she got scared. I am happy to say the girl loved it as much as I did and keeps asking when she can go back. She was a little leary of the "zombies" walking around before the performance started and even covered her eyes a couple of times, but for the most part she was a brave little soul.

After the show I convinced Haylie to get her picture taken with a few of the zombies. I walked her over to a male dancer, thinking he looked a lot less freaky than some of the girls (just a drawn on scar on his face) and Haylie flipped. She wouldn't go near him. Now the girls, on the other hand, seemed to suit Haylie just fine. Check out the blood and gore! This is what she felt more comfortable around. Silly kid! Pretty wicked makeup though (coming from a makeup artist point of view!)