Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Husband, My Hero!

Yes, this picture is old, but it's one of my favorites! This is typical Eric-chillin' with his girls, having a grand old time!
It's nice to have such a good guy for my husband-really nice. He listens to all my worrying and crying and nagging and all my crazy questions and usually just goes with it. He helps me out when I have trouble figuring out what I'm doing, worried about, stressing over, etc. He is an amazing father and the girls love him so much (although, they sometimes feel the need to torture him, but he gives as good as he gets). He is such a hard worker and everything he does is for the good of his family. I sometimes take him for granted, and I always feel bad about that, because he really does try hard to make our lives a little better.

I feel so blessed and also a little lucky to have such an amazing man in my life. I never thought I'd find anyone as good as my Papa Jim, but Eric has really been a blessing to me. I think we balance each other out nicely. I only hope when our girls get older that they find someone equally as good, who treats them with respect and dignity and honors his preisthood. Heavenly Father certainly broke the mold when He made him. Thanks Dad and Mom Miller for raising such a good man.

I love you, Eric!