Monday, October 13, 2008

Haunted Dinosaur Park

Eric's been gone all weekend hunting and I've been totally bored so when I heard Darby say she didn't have to work on Monday I convinced her to come stay overnight and have sister sleepover, woo hoo! We watched "She's the Man", which is pretty funny and spent half the night talking, which I love, especially when it's about something other than potty training!

We decided to take the girls over to Black Island Farms for the day, but when we got there this morning we found out they didn't open until 4:00 in the afternoon-stupid farm hours! I was totally bummed, so we headed to The Greenery for lunch and then Darby came up with a brilliant idea-let's take the kids to the Dinosaur Museum-FABULOUS! Neither I nor Darby had ever been there before so we figured it would at least be something new. They had it all decked for Halloween and the girls loved walking around outside looking at all the dinosaurs. They even had a few little wooded "spook alleys" for the girls to walk through. Awesome idea, Darby!

If you're looking for something fun to do indoors and outdoors, then go check it out. Plus, you have to feel good about the fact that it's educational too!