Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Random Thoughts

Today was just one of those weird days where nothing goes the way you had planned and suddenly you can't remember what did or didn't get done. I've found myself wondering about the most random things today and decided it might make a semi-interesting blog.

Thinking about...

-Why my children seem to have this built-in radar that enables them to wake up at will several times a night whenever I have to be at work early the next morning, but they will sleep like they're in comas whenever I have nowhere to be.

-Why I can't just be independently wealthy. I mean, seriously, is it really too much to ask?
-Why that Amanda girl on American Idol hasn't been voted off yet-she sucks!
-How much fun putting in a new yard will be this spring (ha ha ha, not!).

-When Haylie was born and where the last four years went.
-When Mikaela was born and why I can't seem to remember the last two years with much clarity.

-My sister, Dallin, and getting really excited to welcome her home from Argentina!

-Going camping this summer with my family and also with the Young Women. Should be interesting.
-Finishing up some old art projects and starting new ones.
-How much I love my family and how grateful I am for all of them.
-How to be a good mom and keep my children innocent and safe. And praying that I don't screw them up. (This is actually a daily thought.)

-Keeping a positive outlook on everything handed to me in life. I think it's safe to say that I'm a pretty easy-going, optimistic, glass is half-full, kind of person.
-Starting the second set of books in the Children of the Promise series.
-How much fun it would be to write a book, or a screenplay. Dallin and I have both kicked around the idea of a screenplay for a couple of years. We'll see if it happens when she gets home.
-How I rented High School Musical for the first time on Saturday and have seen it probably eight times since then with the girls-I know all the songs by heart now. I love musicals.

-How I love to sing in the shower, the car, the rain...pretty much anywhere!
-How much I am looking forward to Spring and Summer.

-Wishing there were more hours in the day for me to accomplish all the things I would like.
-What I'm going to do for my hubby's 35th birthday next week!

Well, there were definitely more thoughts than that, but there's just a sample of how my twisted mind works when I have a little bit of time on my hands. Scary isn't it?


Darby said...

I love that the watch is Disney. Of course. And I love the AI comment. I don't know this Amanda chick, but obviously she must go!