Sunday, September 30, 2007

Alone again!

Eric left for Reno yesterday and so it's just the girls at the Miller house. We always seem to have a lot of fun when Dad has to go somewhere. Yesterday we went to lunch and then Haylie decided she just had to have a new Disney movie. I told her if she helped clean up her toys, and did a few chores she could use some of her allowance money to buy a new movie. Looks like I've got a great motivator for her now! She was only too happy to do anything I asked just so she could have her movie. Hmmm, this could be useful in years to come. :)

Well, I've posted a few pic's of the family at Disneyland and Eric as "The Great White Hunter". I've noticed in going through our photos that it's about time to get a new family photo done. Yikes, we need to keep up on that a little better.