Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dinosaurs and Draculas!

Is it totally pathetic that I'm blogging about Halloween at the end of February? Yeah, I think so, too! Oh yeah, it's happening!
As it is no secret that I love Halloween, I will find anything and everything I can possibly cram into one month that has even a remote connection to the holiday. I found out about the Dinosaur Park and their spook alleys a few years back and now it's become one of the yearly rituals. My girls love it almost as much as I do.

This year my brother-in-law BJ and his wife, Alenna, decided to come and bring their two boys. My girls were delighted to have cousins to play with and I think both BJ and Alenna were impressed with how much fun it was.

The cousin crew! Vance, Mikaela, Haylie and Carter.