Monday, January 19, 2009

Sleddin' With The Girls

Dallin gives a "thumbs up" for the sledding!

Darby and Mikaela get ready to "rip it".

Mikaela loves sledding!

Darby, Dallin, Erin, Haylie, Mikaela and I all took to the park up by my parent's house for an afternoon of sledding during the Christmas weekend. It was cold, but there was plenty of snow and perfect hills for the girls first time. They weren't exactly into it at first, especially considering the fact that mine and Haylie's first run down the hill ended up with us wiping out and me rolling on top of her, thus resulting in a snowy face plant. Poor kid! She wasn't exactly jumping up and down to try it again after that. Erin and the twins convinced her to go again with them and the results were much better after that. Mikaela absolutely loved it! She got to sled down the hill and then get pulled up again since it was easier than carrying her up the hill. Thanks, sisters! As always, it was good times!

Haylie making a snow angel

Darby and Haylie playing in the snow