Monday, September 22, 2008

All Dressed Up And Nowhere Mom Will Let Me Go!

Haylie was so excited to go play at Olivia's house a week ago that she just couldn't wait around any longer for me to do her hair and get her ready, thus resulting in the above ensemble and scary coiff.
Let's see:
Sweater in sweltering heat...check
Seashell necklace...check
Plastic princess shoes...check
Small army of tiny hair clips haphazardly strewn throughout birdsnest (aka Haylie's hair)...check
Photograph of end result...priceless.

Gee, I can't wait for the day she decides to start dressing herself for school. (shudder)


The Reno Donnelly's said...

I can't tell you how happy I was when the Bree started doing her own hair. Three heads is was faster than four. Unfortunately it was not this young. As for dressing themselves even now I have to cringe (case in point wierd outfit from football game post).

Darby said...

All I have to say is Wow! I don't which is worse, when I attempt to do Haylie's hair and she still looks like a raggamuffin anyway, or this. Priceless is right. Good thing she's cute!