Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December+Birthdays+Anniversary+Christmas=What were we thinking?

My sisters-in-law Alenna (in back) & Jodi. Happy Birthday, girl!

My cute father-in-law, Ernie! Happy Birthday, Dad!

My sweet Dad with his girls, Mikaela and Haylie! Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Well, it's that time again. The end of the year. What does this mean to the Millers? BIRTHDAYS galore. Oh yeah, we've got a slug of 'em in December. Here's the breakdown:
Dec. 2nd-Papa Jim
Dec. 3rd-Jodi
Dec. 4th-Papa Ernie
Dec. 8th-Eric's and my anniversary (12th if you're keeping track-can I just say, "What the...? How did that happen?")
Dec. 12th-Nephew Carter
Dec. 16th-Niece Madison
And then there's that little thing called Christmas thrown in just because we don't already have enough packed in the month! Eric and I really planned well when we chose December to get married, huh? Oh well, it's still a great season to go and do things (especially for anniversaries).
We took my Dad to the Prairie Schooner in Ogden for his 58th this year. The girls loved eating in the "covered wagon" and as always, they were all over Grandpa Jim. He totally eats it up though.
We celebrated Ernie's and Jodi's birthdays on Sunday night with cake and ice cream at Eric's parent's house. Unfortunately, poor Eric had the flu so he had to miss out on the fun. The girls got to wish Granpa Ernie and Aunt Jodi a happy birthday and enjoyed spending time at the house with their grandparents and cousins. As always, it's a good time with Eric's family!
Next up: Anniversary! We're now in the tweens! Holy cow. Even after 12 years of marriage, I still think my husband is pretty darn amazing. Yes, he may be infatuated with all things hunting, sporting and outdoors, but he's also a very hard worker and a loving husband and father who adores his girls more than anything. I have been very blessed to be married to him and I am so grateful for all he does for us. Happy Anniversary, honey!


Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary, Melissa and Eric!

Darby said...

Good luck with the rest of the month. Killer!

Julie w said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!!