Sunday, January 3, 2010

Drama Squaw Lives!

Yes, I haven't blogged in what seems like a million years and I feel really bad about it, but I've been BUSY! Blogging has had to wait. Unfortunately, that means I have a lot of catching up to do (again) and now I'm already behind in the new year. Oh well, that's not really a surprise to anyone who knows me. Actually, I think I'm right on schedule.'s Haylie as a native american indian. She and her classmates were given the option of dressing up for the "First Thanksgiving" at school. I thought being an indian would be easier (and totally more fun) than trying to come up with an appropriate pilgrim costume. Luckily Haylie agreed with me and thus, we have Haylie the indian, aka-Drama Squaw! She had a great time dressing up and gave me specific instructions to keep the outfit so she can wear it next year.